Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Really a Relaxed Sunday – Oct 14th

Resolved to take it easy today, we plan only one excursion, to Lisle Sur Tarn which is a pretty little town less than 30 minutes drive. 

As intended, we get there in time for the market.  There's a light and intermittent rain falling.  We buy two breads, from two different vendors.  Walk away from the cheese guys because at home we still have 4 or 5 cheeses in the fridge.  Buy some jam, vegetables and a sausage flavored with Roquefort.  There isn’t much to the market, but that’s OK per our plan. 

We get to the restaurant that was another focus of our visit just at noon as they open up.  Le Romuald was a recommendation from our landlord, one of just a few restaurants in Lisle, but more than worth the trip.  They seat maybe 30 people in total.  We were the only non-locals.  And we only got a table because of a cancellation and the fact that we were the first at their door when they opened (note to self:  make reservations in the future).  I had grilled steak, which they actually grilled on the fire 8 feet from us.  Maxine had leg of rabbit, also grilled.  For dessert, Maxine ordered crème brulee, which they finished off at the grill by putting a hot iron over the top of the serving container, a novel way to caramelize the sugar.   The fire served another purpose – keeping us warm on this drizzly day. 

The chef prepared one table’s main courses at a time.  We were first, but it would be easy to see how patience would be necessary here.  But, from a price-value stand point, the best meal we’ve had so far in France.

We spent the remainder of this cold, rainy day at our ‘home’ in Broze.  We try to use the huge fireplace in our living room and smoke ourselves out.  We never dare to use it again.  We read.  Watch movies on the iPad.  Simply no different than a similar day could be in Los Angeles.

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