Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Start of the End, Friday, October 26th

We can feel it, our trip is winding down.  And after nearly 6 hours in the car yesterday, we decide to take it easy.  We spent the morning doing errands.  In to the Gaillac open air market to pick up some things -- it's much smaller than it was three weeks ago.  Leclerc for diesel and other groceries.  The ATM.  And now home for the day. 

With rain expected mid- afternoon, we have lunch from our market purchases then an hour long walk through the vines.  It was interesting to see the changes in the fields since we’ve been here.  The grapes are all harvested and many of the vines have been pruned back.  The sunflowers have been chopped down and plowed under (although Maxine did find some 2nd growth sunflowers in a field the other day and they look nice on our outdoor table). Tom took a nap, and is now catching up on blogs.  Our evening?  Reading and movies…like home, the building below:

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